Kyle Szpyrka
(76.2 x 55.88 cm)
The story of Babel from the Bible tells the story of how man wanted so badly to reach God and the Heavens that they set out to build the tallest tower in the world to do so. As the ending of the story goes, God intervened by making it so that all the men spoke different languages and could no longer communicate nor finish the tower, and thereore could not climb their way into Heaven.
This piece shares the same desire to reach Heaven but through an inward journey. Drawing inspiration from the traditions of Yoga and the aphorism "Know Thyself", it describes the desire we all share to reach that place we call Heaven, but places the emphasis in doing so on our individual ability to be the Balance, Strength, Courage, and Discipline needed to make that journey of inner ascension. We then, become the tower of Babel in and of ourselves, and reaching our own Heaven becomes very much within our reach.
Messengers: A Solo Exhibition, Paul Calendrillo Fine Art, 5 March - 14 March 2015, New Century Artist Gallery- New York, USA
The New Black & White Perspective, Isabella Garrucho Fine Art, Hosted by Cherie Greene Interiors & Venü Magazine, 21 May – 21 July 2015 - Westport CT, USA
Venü Magazine #28 Fall 2015 Shared one page feature