Vertical orientation

Kyle Szpyrka
(91.44 x 121.92 cm)
Further images
Another focus while exploring the number 3 has been the three centers within the body for creation; the mind, the heart, and the groin/sexual center.
From our minds we use thoughts to create the world around us. The thoughts we hold, believe and repeat project out into the world like radio waves attracting back that which is of the same frequency.
From the heart center we create with intention. We feel desire to be and do certain things that are our hearts calling. From here we emit our intentions and attract back all that is needed for their fulfillment.
The groin or sexual center is the creative powerhouse in the body with the ability to create new life. It is also the seat of creative energy at large and the power to physically create in the world.
Bringing these three centers into alignment, allowing our thoughts and physical power for creating to align deeply with our hearts true intentions is a large focus in these works. I imagine what life can be like when we learn to master the use of our creative potential and to use it in alignment with our hearts.